This weekend I went to Canada's Wonderland and had an amazing time. However I think something needs to be said about the state of pre and early teens and their clothing.
No, this is not about the lack of clothing amoung this age group, but rather what their wearing on their t-shirts.
While I was at the park I saw several kids in thier early teens wearing Nirvana shirts. Now I ask my self, do these kids even know who Nirvana was, any of the music they recorded, what type of music they played? Or are they just wearing it cause it was for sale in the outrageously expensive stores they shop at?
Now I have nothing against people wearing band shirts around, in fact I was wearing one that day. What I am against is people doing something cause everyone else is and they have no clue about anything else.
Its the same with the neo-punks, most of these guys have no clue who founded their movement and why. In fact the punk leaders left once it became too mainstream. Kids these days would do well to listen to them.
But then again I'm just getting old and a little peeved at the younger generation. Or maybe I'm just repressed and sheltered?
Alrighty folks, I'm finally back. Everyone who thought I'd left for good doesn't have to worry any more! :)
As you'll notice there's a few changes. I've finally got around to adding the part of the site concerning music. There you'll find reviews of cds and concerts as well as upcoming shows. Of course there's still the plain old blogging for those of you who prefer that.
So be sure to check out The Stills review, and then after reading it, buy it. :)
More to follow....